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Date Q # Question Type District Results
2020Nov 3 15 Commercial & Industrial Property Tax Assessment 

Taxes such properties based on current market value, instead of purchase price. Fiscal Impact: Increased property taxes on commercial properties worth more than $3 million providing $6.5 billion to $11.5 billion in new funding to local...See Details »
State Proposition State of CaliforniaViewing Yolo County
Choice Votes %
52,304 54.5%
43,669 45.5%
Total Votes Cast 95,973  
Undervotes 3,051  
Overvotes 16  
Total Ballots Cast

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2020Nov 3 16 Allow Diversity Factor 

Permits government decision-making policies to consider race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in order to address diversity by repealing constitutional provision prohibiting such policies. Fiscal Impact: No direct fiscal effect on state and local ent...See Details »
State Proposition State of CaliforniaViewing Yolo County
Choice Votes %
42,820 45.2%
51,970 54.8%
Total Votes Cast 94,790  
Undervotes 4,231  
Overvotes 19  
Total Ballots Cast

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2020Nov 3 17 Restore Right to Vote After Prison 

Restores voting rights upon completion of prison term to persons who have been disqualified from voting while serving a prison term. Fiscal Impact: Annual county costs, likely in the hundreds of thousands of dollars statewide, for voter registratio...See Details »
State Proposition State of CaliforniaViewing Yolo County
Choice Votes %
59,729 62.2%
36,247 37.8%
Total Votes Cast 95,976  
Undervotes 3,055  
Overvotes 9  
Total Ballots Cast

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2020Nov 3 18 17-Year-Old Voting in Primary Elections 

Amends California Constitution to permit 17-year-olds to vote in Primary and Special elections if they will turn 18 by the next General election and be otherwise eligible to vote.See Details »
State Proposition State of CaliforniaViewing Yolo County
Choice Votes %
45,087 46.9%
51,076 53.1%
Total Votes Cast 96,163  
Undervotes 2,870  
Overvotes 7  
Total Ballots Cast

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2020Nov 3 19 Change Certain Property Tax Rules 

Allows homeowners who are over 55, disabled, or wildfire/disaster victims to transfer primary residence’s tax base to replacement residence. Changes taxation of family-property transfers. Establishes fire protection services fund. Fiscal Impact: L...See Details »
State Proposition State of CaliforniaViewing Yolo County
Choice Votes %
51,426 54.8%
42,399 45.2%
Total Votes Cast 93,825  
Undervotes 5,198  
Overvotes 17  
Total Ballots Cast

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2020Nov 3 20 Restrict Parole for Certain Offences 

Limits access to parole program established for non-violent offenders who have completed the full term of their primary offense by eliminating eligibility for certain offenses. Fiscal Impact: Increase in state and local correctional, court, and l...See Details »
State Proposition State of CaliforniaViewing Yolo County
Choice Votes %
31,900 34.1%
61,766 65.9%
Total Votes Cast 93,666  
Undervotes 5,352  
Overvotes 22  
Total Ballots Cast

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2020Nov 3 21 Local Rent Control Authority 

Allows local governments to establish rent control on residential properties over 15 years old. Local limits on rate increases may differ from statewide limit. Fiscal Impact: Overall, a potential reduction in state and local revenues in the high tens of ...See Details »
State Proposition State of CaliforniaViewing Yolo County
Choice Votes %
39,576 42.0%
54,686 58.0%
Total Votes Cast 94,262  
Undervotes 4,761  
Overvotes 17  
Total Ballots Cast

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2020Nov 3 22 Exempt App-Based Companies 

Classifies app-based drivers as "independent contractors," instead of "employees," and provides independent-contractor drivers other compensation, unless certain criteria are met. Fiscal Impact: Minor increase in state income taxes paid by rideshare and de...See Details »
State Proposition State of CaliforniaViewing Yolo County
Choice Votes %
49,949 52.6%
45,020 47.4%
Total Votes Cast 94,969  
Undervotes 4,048  
Overvotes 23  
Total Ballots Cast

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2020Nov 3 23 Kidney Dialysis Clinic Requirements 

Requires physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant on site during dialysis treatment. Prohibits clinics from reducing services without state approval. Prohibits clinics from refusing to treat patients based on payment source. Fiscal Imp...See Details »
State Proposition State of CaliforniaViewing Yolo County
Choice Votes %
33,531 35.6%
60,559 64.4%
Total Votes Cast 94,090  
Undervotes 4,930  
Overvotes 20  
Total Ballots Cast

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2020Nov 3 24 Amend Consumer Privacy Laws 

Permits consumers to: prevent businesses from sharing personal information, correct inaccurate personal information, and limit businesses’ use of "sensitive personal information," including precise geolocation, race, ethnicity, and health information. E...See Details »
State Proposition State of CaliforniaViewing Yolo County
Choice Votes %
50,253 53.7%
43,399 46.3%
Total Votes Cast 93,652  
Undervotes 5,374  
Overvotes 14  
Total Ballots Cast

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2020Nov 3 25 Referendum on Money Bail Replacement 

A "Yes" vote approves, and a "No" vote rejects, law replacing money bail with system based on public safety and flight risk. Fiscal Impact: Increased costs possibly in mid hundreds of millions of dollars annually for a new process for release fro...See Details »
State Proposition State of CaliforniaViewing Yolo County
Choice Votes %
46,587 49.9%
46,698 50.1%
Total Votes Cast 93,285  
Undervotes 5,746  
Overvotes 9  
Total Ballots Cast

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2020Nov 3 14 Stem Cell Research Bonds 

Authorizes $5.5 billion state bonds for: stem cell and other medical research, including training; research facility construction; administrative costs. Dedicates $1.5 billion to brain-related diseases. Appropriates General Fund moneys for repayment. Expands...See Details »
State Bond Proposition State of CaliforniaViewing Yolo County
Choice Votes %
51,801 54.8%
42,683 45.2%
Total Votes Cast 94,484  
Undervotes 4,544  
Overvotes 12  
Total Ballots Cast

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2020Nov 3 W  

To improve the quality of education and complete improvement projects at Winters High and Waggoner Elementary; repair/replace leaky roofs; and modernize outdated classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; shall Winters Joint Unified School District issue $19,000,000 of bonds, rai...See Details »
Bond Measure Winters Joint Unified School DistrictViewing Yolo County
Choice Votes %
2,362 62.1%
1,440 37.9%
Total Votes Cast 3,802  
Undervotes 159  
Total Ballots Cast

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2020Nov 3 Y  

With no increase in estimated tax rates, shall Woodland Joint Unified School District’s measure to expand vocational education facilities for programs including automotive engineering/construction trades; improve classroom technology/internet access; repair classrooms/schools; an...See Details »
Bond Measure Woodland Joint Unified School DistrictViewing Yolo County
Choice Votes %
17,117 61.5%
10,722 38.5%
Total Votes Cast 27,839  
Undervotes 1,788  
Overvotes 5  
Total Ballots Cast

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2020Nov 3 X  

To update and expand science, technology, engineering, arts, math classrooms/ labs; improve school safety/ security; replace aging heating, cooling, plumbing systems; improve access for students with disabilities; construct, repair, equip sites/ classrooms, shall the Esparto Unifie...See Details »
Bond Measure Esparto Unified School District
Choice Votes %
1,503 52.6%
1,354 47.4%
Total Votes Cast 2,857  
Undervotes 166  
Total Ballots Cast

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2020Nov 3 K SFID No. 2 

To upgrade schools, retain/attract quality teachers by repairing leaky roofs; removing asbestos/mold; keeping schools safe; updating technology, fire/drinking water safety; repairing, constructing, equipping/acquiring educational facilities to prepare students for college...See Details »
Bond Measure River Delta Unified School DistrictViewing Yolo County
Choice Votes %
416 65.4%
220 34.6%
Total Votes Cast 636  
Undervotes 19  
Total Ballots Cast

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2020Nov 3 Z  

To protect quality education with local school improvement funding, shall Washington Unified School District adopt a measure: • upgrading classrooms/ internet access for science, technology, engineering, arts, math instruction; • upgrade schools to meet academic, safety, disa...See Details »
Bond Measure Washington Unified School District
Choice Votes %
13,614 60.9%
8,730 39.1%
Total Votes Cast 22,344  
Undervotes 1,347  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast

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2020Nov 3 B Davis Innovation & Sustainability Campus 

Shall Resolution 20-110 be adopted to amend the Davis General Plan to approve a mixed-use development comprised of innovation center, housing, and retail uses, by changing the land use designations for the Davis Innovation & Sustainability Ca...See Details »
Measure City of Davis
Choice Votes %
15,189 48.0%
16,458 52.0%
Total Votes Cast 31,647  
Undervotes 2,850  
Overvotes 10  
Total Ballots Cast

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2020Nov 3 D Extend Right to Vote on Use of Open Space and Ag. Lands 

Shall Ordinance No. 2581, which extends the sunset date of "Measure J" (Ordinance No. 2350 - the Citizens' Right to Vote on Future Use of Open Space and Agricultural Lands) to December 31, 2030 and makes minor technical changes...See Details »
Measure City of Davis
Choice Votes %
25,761 82.8%
5,370 17.3%
Total Votes Cast 31,131  
Undervotes 3,373  
Overvotes 3  
Total Ballots Cast

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2020Nov 3 A Urban Growth Boundary 

Shall an initiative measure amending the City of Winters General Plan to establish an Urban Growth Boundary, and through November 3, 2050 to prohibit urban development outside of that boundary, subject to certain exceptions, be adopted?See Details »
Measure City of Winters
Choice Votes %
2,424 73.2%
887 26.8%
Total Votes Cast 3,311  
Undervotes 137  
Total Ballots Cast

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2020Nov 3 R Sales Tax 

Shall the measure, which would authorize the City of Woodland to continue to collect, for a period of ten years, a one-quarter cent sales tax for general city services, providing approximately $2.8 million annually and would not increase taxes, be adopted?See Details »
Measure City of Woodland
Choice Votes %
16,327 63.4%
9,415 36.6%
Total Votes Cast 25,742  
Undervotes 1,349  
Overvotes 4  
Total Ballots Cast

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2020Nov 3 S Advisory Vote Only: Library Allocation 

Shall the City Council allocate 25% of the tax revenue collected from any sales tax measure re-authorized in the City of Woodland via the November 2020 ballot to the Woodland Public Library to enhance educational and literacy programs and maint...See Details »
Measure City of Woodland
Choice Votes %
14,902 59.4%
10,200 40.6%
Total Votes Cast 25,102  
Undervotes 1,988  
Overvotes 5  
Total Ballots Cast

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2020Nov 3 T Advisory Vote Only: Youth & Recreation Facilities Allocation 

Shall the City Council allocate 55% of the tax revenue collected from any sales tax measure re-authorized in the City of Woodland via the November 2020 ballot to expand and enhance youth and teen programs and facilities, a...See Details »
Measure City of Woodland
Choice Votes %
15,418 61.7%
9,584 38.3%
Total Votes Cast 25,002  
Undervotes 2,089  
Overvotes 4  
Total Ballots Cast

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2020Nov 3 U Advisory Vote Only: Crime Prevention & Community-Building Allocation 

Shall the City Council allocate 15% of the tax revenue collected from any sales tax measure re-authorized in the City of Woodland via the November 2020 ballot to enhance public safety through expand crime preventio...See Details »
Measure City of Woodland
Choice Votes %
16,979 68.0%
8,009 32.1%
Total Votes Cast 24,988  
Undervotes 2,101  
Overvotes 6  
Total Ballots Cast

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2020Nov 3 V Advisory Vote Only: Utility Ratepayer Assistance Allocation 

Shall the City Council allocate up to 5% of the tax revenue collected from any sales tax measure re-authorized in the City of Woodland via the November 2020 ballot to support a utility ratepayer assistance program for low-i...See Details »
Measure City of Woodland
Choice Votes %
16,633 66.3%
8,463 33.7%
Total Votes Cast 25,096  
Undervotes 1,997  
Overvotes 2  
Total Ballots Cast

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